I have a question for you...
Today I want to give you a question for you and your team to reflect on and talk about, so:
Can people tell you the truth?
If it’s a challenge…
Do you empower them or advice give and try to fix it for them?
If it’s something that runs counter to what you want or believe or think should be done…
Do you know how to use it to build deeper trust or do you need to prove that you’re right?
If it’s something they’re dancing around or simply not saying outright…
Do you know how to hear what isn’t being said or are you critical of them thinking “they just need to be more direct” !
If they share something vulnerable for them…
Can you recognize it and compose yourself or might your face clearly show your disappointment, disdain, disagreement or discomfort?
If you disagree with what they say, or don’t understand what they’re experiencing…
Can you put your beliefs aside and support them?
Think about it.
So, can people tell you the truth?
Did your answer wobble a little? It’s ok if it did -- we mean well, but we’re human.
Have a conversation about this at work, and at home. Hit reply and tell me about it. What stood out to you?
It would mean the world to me if you shared this with someone else. We could all use this exercise!
Bravely yours,