HOW YOUR LEADERS COMMUNICATE CHANGES EVERYTHING. BRAVE® Programs arm high growth organizations with proven tools to create the only kind of environment that accelerates execution, drives results and strengthens moral - faster.

our clients lead

"Over the years, I’ve done a lot of leadership development programs, both personally and professionally. And I can easily say that…

I’ve seen faster growth with brave than all the others, combined.”

Citrin Cooperman

Erin O., Manager, New York

your leaders
are your leverage

But lack the #1 skill to succeed

Leaders are often technically skilled with great intentions, but lack the most important characteristic that research says can make or break the success of your entire organization - the ability to create a culture of psychological safety.

An environment rooted in psychological safety is responsible for leaders, teams and organizations who, in the face of high growth, stress, rapid change and uncertainty can:

  • turn around underperformance and unlock potential

  • drive results and solve problems

  • accelerate execution, decision making and innovation

  • routinely identify and develop emerging leaders

  • improve morale, retention and productivity

There’s never been a proven way to instill this skill, until now… and it’s BRAVE’S specialty.

we cracked the code with

THE BRAVE FRAMEWORK® is our proprietary methodology, proven to arm your leaders with the skills and confidence to take your business to new heights. Rooted in the science of psychological safety, resilience and motivation, it provides a step-by-step roadmap for simultaneously addressing difficult issues, moving fast and building a culture where people thrive.

BRAVE created an immediate 20-30% increase in productivity, with more to come. It will help us avoid problems or resolve them faster.”

“I've taken so many leadership classes in the past year and Elisabeth clearly stands out among a very talented field. BRAVE hit it right on the head. All too often I and my team avoid having the difficult conversations and as a result problems grow and trust is not built. Thanks to Elisabeth’s enlightening, we have included having BRAVE conversations as part of our goals this year through out our entire team and can already say that…

creative foods co. / burger king

Jay D., CEO, New York


brave workshops, immersions and culture programs are ideal for fast-growing teams navigating transitions

  • When growth and scale is the focus, no matter how well meaning leadership is, culture shifts. Doing more, faster, with less recognition and support impacts your people.

  • Raising money is stressful. Having a framework to align ideas amidst tough conversations and the skillset to identify and diffuse stress is a non-negotiable.

  • Whether hiring or right sizing, even great cultures fall victim to fluctuations that happen too fast, too slow or without the right amount of transparency.

  • When two cultures become one, there is a period of co-creating a new identify. It’s never one or the other, when intentional the new culture will unify, align and inspire.

  • Maybe you’re promoting emerging leaders, maybe you’re hiring from the outside, but no matter where they’re rising from, they need a common language.

  • Any sort of change requires a relearning. Culture follows structure so, having a universal framework for how to interact will create familiarity amidst the newness.


BRAVE® packed into a high-energy, interactive 90-120 min experience where leaders are made, bonds are forged and potential is unleashed. Packed with AHA moments and practical tools, workshops empower your team and light a spark that fuels ongoing growth and success.

what you get:

✓ Choose from a range of topics that engage a broad team around the fundamentals of The BRAVE Framework®

✓ Create AHA moments that shift perspectives, drives immediate action and lays the foundation to build greater psychological safety.

✓ Equip your team with tangible tools to implement ASAP and foster trust, collaboration, innovation and faster decision making.


OUR SIGNATURE PROGRAM: The best way to become fluent in a language is to immerse yourself in it. Immersions are structured specifically to optimize the speed at which your team can learn, practice and integrate the language of high performance leadership into their day-to-day.

✓ 6 month immersion that takes an intimate group of up to 10 leaders through three phases of fully supported transformation: Identify, Immerse, Integrate.

✓ Participants receive group training, one-on-one mentorship and accountability in learning, practicing and modeling The BRAVE Framework®.

✓ Content customized specifically to serve and elevate the particular participants and the dynamics of the group itself.

what you get:

After nearly a decade of working with leaders through periods of high growth and transition, we saw a trend: as growth accelerates and your org chart expands, communication contracts. Progress is inevitably slowed by burnout, bottleneck and bureaucracy and too often, culture unintentionally falls off a cliff. BRAVE® helps organizations bridge the gap we call - The Culture Chasm.

crossing the culture chasm

what You get:

✓ Ongoing, custom programming to ensure that leaders are fully equipped with the tools and skills to thrive through high-growth spurts and usher their team across the chasm.

✓ A thought partner to assist leadership in managing one of the most pivotal times in an organization’s lifecycle - when culture eats strategy for breakfast.

✓ Increased productivity, performance, morale and retention.

The ROI of BRAVE is endless. These are the kinds of leadership trainings that companies should really be spending money on.”


Travis P., Director, Omaha, Nebraska


  • bloomberg business
  • goop
  • FFC


Want expert insights on how to build “The workplace of the future”?

Not in charge of TRAINING at work, but want to uplevel?

Our signature course is for individual leaders who want to deep dive into the content that made Elisabeth and BRAVE top rated leadership instructors with Simon Sinek’s Optimism Company. It sold out every time it ran, and now, we’ve created a version that you can take on your own time! While its on a smaller scale than our corporate work, we constantly hear: “it’s life-changing!”