BRAVE yourself for impact

Welcome to another week of BRAVE! 🤩

For those who’ve been through one of my immersion programs—whether with your team in a corporate setting or through a version of my course—you know intimately the concept of “internal noise". It’s that relentless chatter of limiting beliefs, fears, perfectionism, self-doubt, and all the “shoulds” that swirl in our minds, holding us back from making confident, aligned decisions.

Today, I want to share a story that gets right to the heart of internal noise and what to do with it…

Have you ever felt paralyzed by a decision? Maybe it’s the fear of what others might think. Maybe it’s the relentless self-doubt, the need for certainty, or the desire to seem like you’ve got everything under control. Maybe it’s something else entirely—a jumble of conflicting possibilities that leaves you stuck.

This was me recently. I had an important investor meeting when my daughter was just shy of three months old. I had childcare lined up—Montana’s grandmothers were ready and willing. Logically, I knew everything would be fine if I left her at home. But emotionally, I wasn’t ready. (Cue the internal noise: “Is this weird? Should I just get over it? Am I being too much? Self-doubt, self-doubt, self-doubt.”)

I had choices: take the easy route and dial in virtually, go and leave her at home, or bring her along and risk looking unprofessional. Each option triggered a new wave of noise.

Now, this might have been a simple decision for you. But for me, it hit a deep-seated, longstanding fear—the fear that I must choose between creating impact at work and nurturing my life at home. So, I decided to BRAVE myself.

Yes, you heard me right—I BRAVE’ed myself. This isn’t something I talk about often, but it’s one of the most potent ways to use The BRAVE Framework®: as a tool for self-leadership. Think of it as having a courageous conversation with the different parts of yourself that are at war, moving from confusion to clarity. Here’s what that looked like:

BRAVE Tip of the Week: How to BRAVE Yourself for Impact 💪🏼📈🚀

You’ve heard me talk about The BRAVE Framework® for navigating difficult conversations with others. But did you know it’s equally powerful when used for self-leadership? Here’s how I used it to cut through the noise and find my path:

B. Be Present: I paused and shut out the noise. I stopped spiraling into “How am I ever going to meaningfully engage with the world again now that I have a kid?” I stopped trying to fix it or make it an either/or situation. Being present isn’t about fixing discomfort; it’s about sitting with it, understanding it’s here for a reason, and choosing to let it grow you. In that stillness, I realized this was about more than just this meeting—it was about an old fear resurfacing, and this was my chance to face it.

R. Rapport (with Myself): I asked myself, “What would it look like to build trust with myself here? Not what’s perfect for everyone else, but what’s right for me?” The answer came clearly: “Take her. It will be okay.”

A. Active Listening: I tuned in to the internal noise that roared when I considered each option. My body tensed up at the thought of leaving her behind or dialing in. Neither felt right.

V. Vulnerability: It felt deeply vulnerable to bring her along—would she cry, be disruptive, make me look unprofessional? But then it hit me—it felt even more vulnerable to admit that I’d be more present and effective with her on my lap than worrying about her elsewhere. That was a massive win because it allowed me to see that my priorities had evolved. I didn’t have to choose; I could integrate.

(A quick sidebar: I waited until I was 40 to have a child and planned my life to ensure I wouldn’t have to be away from her much at this stage. My brain could have easily have made this a burden or a compromise; it’s not, it’s a choice, a privilege, and a dream fulfilled.)

E. Empathy: I stepped into empathy and got curious. What would the most aligned choice look like? It became clear—the only option that felt true to my values was to bring her with me. I’d be a walking example of BRAVE, showing what’s possible. Who knows, maybe someone in that room would be inspired to tackle their own fears because I did.

To truly “have both” family and work, I had to quiet the internal noise and make decisions from a place of truth, not fear. That’s what BRAVE is all about. It’s built to take you step-by-step through navigating the most important conversations—with others and, just as crucially, with yourself.

Next week, I’ll share another popular tool we learn in BRAVE® workshops for conquering internal noise and self-leadership that makes you proud (and builds both trust and an environment that invites excellence and high performance). Don’t miss it!

Until then, stay BRAVE.

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Want to dive deeper into the BRAVE framework? Check out our course here!


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A New Beginning, A New BRAVE Conversation