What real leaders do in hard times
I know I can be totally honest with you. And the truth is, it’s been an emotionally intense couple weeks. Between two hurricanes, evacuating with 18 people (4 grandparents, 6 kids, 2 of them babies, 6 dogs and 4 cats) and a few too many hours in the ER upon our return, it just put what it means to be a leader into perspective. And that your to do list never comes before family, health or safety.
To the first point, we leaders use life as our raw material. We take what we’re given and decide to mould it into a masterpiece. We don’t blame others, even though maybe we want to. We don’t wait. We don’t give up hope. We CHOOSE to use everything life throws at us as inspiration to grow, to learn to expand our capacity to hold more, to rise.
Like Leonardo DaVinci said, “It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.”
I hope BRAVE and this newsletter give you the boost you (we all) need every now and then to go out and happen to things. To realize that although you have no control over external circumstances, you have total control over your internal state, your response and your actions. That’s what BRAVE is designed to do, give you a roadmap for self leadership, so that you can be a more effective leader of others. And be the force that you know you can be.
Two questions
I’m also curious about two things:
A) How am I doing? Do you like this newsletter? Do you talk about it? Do you share it? My goal is to give you tools that make you shine. I sure hope it’s working.
B) What subject would you like me to write about and give a BRAVE perspective on? I’d love to customize this to YOU!
Binge worthy
Also, if you’ve missed any of my notes so far, here they are! Happy binging :)
Go out and “happen to things” today!